CTI AI Toolbox

In the evolving landscape of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI), the need for advanced, AI-assisted tooling has never been more critical. Our project, CTI AI Tools, is currently in beta and invite-only. To get an invite, please contact us via email.

Summarization Tool

Automatically generate concise summaries of detailed CTI reports, enabling quick understanding and action.

NER Tool

Identify and classify key entities within CTI texts, such as threat actor names, malware types, and vulnerabilities.

Q&A Tool (Coming Soon)

Utilize Retrieval-Augmented Generation for answering complex questions directly from CTI texts.

TTP Tagging Tool (Coming Soon)

Extract Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (TTPs) from CTI reports, aiding in identification of threat actor behaviors.

Graph Relationship Tool (Coming Soon)

Reveal the intricate web of relationships within CTI texts, such as connections between actors, tools, and targets.